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Routing In Fat Trees (RIFT) implementation in Python

Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference

Connect to the CLI

Go to the top of the directory where the rift-python repository was cloned (in this example we assume it was cloned into your home directory):

$ cd ${HOME}/rift-python

Make sure your virtual environment (that was created during the installation process) is activated:

$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $ 

Start the rift package:

(env) $ python rift
Command Line Interface (CLI) available on port 61375

Optionally you may pass a topology YAML file as a command-line argument:

(env) $ python rift topology/two_by_two_by_two.yaml
Command Line Interface (CLI) available on port 61377

When you start the Python RIFT protocol engine, it reports a port number that you can use to connect one or more CLI sessions.

You can connect to the Command Line Interface (CLI) using a Telnet client. Assuming you are connecting from the same device as where the RIFT engine is running, the hostname is localhost.

$ telnet localhost 61377 
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

You should get a prompt containing the name of the current RIFT node. In this example the name of the current RIFT node is “agg_101”.

Entering CLI Commands

You can enter CLI commands at the CLI prompt. For example, try entering the help command:

agg_101> help
clear engine statistics 
clear interface <interface> statistics 
clear node statistics 
set interface <interface> failure <failure> 
set level <level> 
set node <node> 
show disaggregation 
show engine 
show engine statistics 
show engine statistics exclude-zero 
show flooding-reduction 
show forwarding 
show forwarding family <family> 
show forwarding prefix <prefix> 
show fsm lie 
show fsm ztp 
show interface <interface> 
show interface <interface> fsm history 
show interface <interface> fsm verbose-history 
show interface <interface> packets 
show interface <interface> queues 
show interface <interface> security 
show interface <interface> sockets 
show interface <interface> statistics 
show interface <interface> statistics exclude-zero 
show interface <interface> tides 
show interfaces 
show kernel addresses 
show kernel links 
show kernel routes 
show kernel routes table <table> 
show kernel routes table <table> prefix <prefix> 
show node 
show node fsm history 
show node fsm verbose-history 
show node statistics 
show node statistics exclude-zero 
show nodes 
show nodes level 
show routes 
show routes family <family> 
show routes prefix <prefix> 
show routes prefix <prefix> owner <owner> 
show security 
show spf 
show spf direction <direction> 
show spf direction <direction> destination <destination> 
show tie-db 
show tie-db direction <direction> 
show tie-db direction <direction> originator <originator> 
show tie-db direction <direction> originator <originator> tie-type <tie-type> 

If you are connected to the CLI using Telnet, you can use the following keys for editing:

The CLI does not yet support the following features:

Command Line Interface Commands

clear engine statistics

The “clear engine statistics” command clears (i.e. resets to zero) all the statistics of the RIFT-Python engine.

agg_101> clear engine statistics

See also: show engine statistics, show engine statistics exclude-zero

clear interface interface statistics

The “clear interface interface statistics” command clears (i.e. resets to zero) all the statistics of the specified interface.

agg_101> clear interface if_101_1 statistics

See also: show interface interface statistics, show interface interface statistics exclude-zero

clear node statistics

The “clear node statistics” clears (i.e. resets to zero) all the statistics of the current node.

agg_101> clear node statistics

See also: show node statistics, show node statistics exclude-zero


The “exit command closes the CLI session.


(env) $ python rift topology/two_by_two_by_two.yaml
Command Line Interface (CLI) available on port 50102
$ telnet localhost 50102
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
agg_101> exit
agg_101> Connection closed by foreign host.

Normally, the RIFT engine continues to run when a CLI session is closed. However, if the RIFT engine was started interactively using the –interactive command line option, then exiting the CLI also causes the RIFT engine to stop:


(env) $ python rift --interactive topology/two_by_two_by_two.yaml
agg_101> exit
(env) $ 

set interface interface failure failure

The “set interface interface failure failure” command enables or disables a simulated failure of an interface.

The failure parameter can be one of the following:

failure Meaning
ok The interface is OK. There is no failure.
failed There is a bi-directional failure on the interface. Both sent and received packets are dropped.
tx-failed There is a uni-directional failure on the interface. Sent (TX) packets are dropped. Received (RX) packets are delivered.
rx-failed There is a uni-directional failure on the interface. Sent (TX) packets are delivered. Received (RX) packets are dropped.


agg_101> set interface if1 failure failed
Error: interface if1 not present

set level level

The “set level level” command changes the level of the currently active RIFT node.

The valid values for the level parameter are undefined, leaf, leaf-to-leaf, superspine, or an integer non-negative number.

These level values are mapped to the parameters in the protocol specification as follows:

undefined false false false UNDEFINED_LEVEL
leaf true false false UNDEFINED_LEVEL (see note 1)
leaf-to-leaf true true false UNDEFINED_LEVEL (see note 1)
superspine false false true UNDEFINED_LEVEL (see note 2)
integer non-negative number true if level = 0, false otherwise false false level

Note 1: Even if the CONFIGURED_LEVEL is UNDEFINED_LEVEL, nodes with the LEAF_ONLY flag set will advertise level leaf_level (= 0) in the sent LIE packets.

Note 2: Event if CONFIGURED_LEVEL is UNDEFINED_LEVEL, nodes with the TOP_OF_FABRIC_FLAG set will advertise level top_of_fabric_level (= 24) in the sent LIE packets.


agg_101> set level undefined

set node node

The “set node node-name” command changes the currently active RIFT node to the node with the specified RIFT node name:

Note: you can get a list of RIFT nodes present in the current RIFT protocol engine using the show nodes command.


agg_101> set node core_1

show bandwidth-balancing

The “show bandwidth-balancing reports details about how the bandwidth is distributed across neighbors and interfaces, for north-bound traffic following the default route.

agg_101> show bandwidth-balancing
North-Bound Neighbors:
| System ID | Neighbor  | Neighbor  | Neighbor   | Interface | Interface | Interface  |
|           | Ingress   | Egress    | Traffic    | Name      | Bandwidth | Traffic    |
|           | Bandwidth | Bandwidth | Percentage |           |           | Percentage |
| 1         | 100 Mbps  | 300 Mbps  | 50.0 %     | if_101_1  | 100 Mbps  | 50.0 %     |
| 2         | 100 Mbps  | 300 Mbps  | 50.0 %     | if_101_2  | 100 Mbps  | 50.0 %     |

show disaggregation

The “show disaggregation” command all information related to automatic disaggregation.

It reports several tables:

agg_101> show disaggregation
Same Level Nodes:
| Same-Level | North-bound | South-bound | Missing     | Extra       |
| Node       | Adjacencies | Adjacencies | South-bound | South-bound |
|            |             |             | Adjacencies | Adjacencies |

Partially Connected Interfaces:
| Name | Nodes Causing Partial Connectivity |

Positive Disaggregation TIEs:
| Direction | Originator | Type | TIE Nr | Seq Nr | Lifetime | Contents |

Negative Disaggregation TIEs:
| Direction | Originator | Type | TIE Nr | Seq Nr | Lifetime | Contents |

show engine

The “show engine” command shows the status of the RIFT engine, i.e. global information that applies to all nodes running in the RIFT engine.


agg_101> show engine
| Stand-alone                        | False               |
| Interactive                        | True                |
| Simulated Interfaces               | True                |
| Physical Interface                 | ens5                |
| Telnet Port File                   | None                |
| IPv4 Multicast Loopback            | True                |
| IPv6 Multicast Loopback            | True                |
| Number of Nodes                    | 10                  |
| Transmit Source Address            |           |
| Flooding Reduction Enabled         | True                |
| Flooding Reduction Redundancy      | 2                   |
| Flooding Reduction Similarity      | 2                   |
| Flooding Reduction System Random   | 7891748190123070091 |
| Timer slips > 10ms                 | 0                   |
| Timer slips > 100ms                | 0                   |
| Timer slips > 1000ms               | 0                   |
| Max pending events processing time | 0.003419            |
| Max expired timers processing time | 0.008722            |
| Max select processing time         | 0.056549            |
| Max ready-to-read processing time  | 0.009731            |

show engine statistics

The “show engine statistics” command shows all the statistics for the RIFT-Python engine.


agg_101> show engine statistics
All Node ZTP FSMs:
| Description                                                                              | Value          | Rate Over            | Last Change       |
|                                                                                          |                | Last 10 Seconds      |                   |
| Events CHANGE_LOCAL_CONFIGURED_LEVEL                                                     | 1 Event        | 0.00 Events/Sec      | 0d 00h:00m:00.38s |
| Events NEIGHBOR_OFFER                                                                    | 22 Events      | 0.00 Events/Sec      | 0d 00h:00m:00.74s |
| Events BETTER_HAL                                                                        | 0 Events       | 0.00 Events/Sec      |                   |
| Events BETTER_HAT                                                                        | 0 Events       | 0.00 Events/Sec      |                   |
.                                                                                          .                .                      .                   .
.                                                                                          .                .                      .                   .
| Event-Transitions UPDATING_CLIENTS -[CHANGE_LOCAL_CONFIGURED_LEVEL]-> COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | 1 Transition   | 0.00 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.37s |

All Interfaces Traffic:
| Description               | Value                  | Rate Over                        | Last Change       |
|                           |                        | Last 10 Seconds                  |                   |
| RX IPv4 LIE Packets       | 11 Packets, 1894 Bytes | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.75s |
| TX IPv4 LIE Packets       | 12 Packets, 2040 Bytes | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.75s |
| RX IPv4 TIE Packets       | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec |                   |
| TX IPv4 TIE Packets       | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec |                   |
.                           .                        .                                  .                   .
.                           .                        .                                  .                   .
| Total RX Misorders        | 0 Packets              | 0.00 Packets/Sec                 |                   |

All Interfaces Security:
| Description                                    | Value                  | Rate Over                        | Last Change       |
|                                                |                        | Last 10 Seconds                  |                   |
| Missing outer security envelope                | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec |                   |
| Zero outer key id not accepted                 | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec |                   |
| Non-zero outer key id not accepted             | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec |                   |
| Incorrect outer fingerprint                    | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec |                   |
.                                                .                        .                                  .                   .
.                                                .                        .                                  .                   .
| Empty origin fingerprint accepted              | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec |                   |

All Interface LIE FSMs:
| Description                                                | Value          | Rate Over            | Last Change       |
|                                                            |                | Last 10 Seconds      |                   |
| Events TIMER_TICK                                          | 12 Events      | 0.00 Events/Sec      | 0d 00h:00m:00.76s |
| Events LEVEL_CHANGED                                       | 0 Events       | 0.00 Events/Sec      |                   |
| Events HAL_CHANGED                                         | 0 Events       | 0.00 Events/Sec      |                   |
| Events HAT_CHANGED                                         | 0 Events       | 0.00 Events/Sec      |                   |
.                                                            .                .                      .                   .
.                                                            .                .                      .                   .
| Event-Transitions TWO_WAY -[TIMER_TICK]-> TWO_WAY          | 0 Transitions  | 0.00 Transitions/Sec |                   |

show engine statistics exclude-zero

The “show engine statistics” command shows all the statistics for the RIFT-Python engine, excluding any zero statistics.


agg_101> show engine statistics exclude-zero
All Node ZTP FSMs:
| Description                                                                              | Value          | Rate Over            | Last Change       |
|                                                                                          |                | Last 10 Seconds      |                   |
| Events CHANGE_LOCAL_CONFIGURED_LEVEL                                                     | 1 Event        | 0.10 Events/Sec      | 0d 00h:00m:00.53s |
| Events NEIGHBOR_OFFER                                                                    | 48 Events      | 4.40 Events/Sec      | 0d 00h:00m:00.02s |
| Events COMPUTATION_DONE                                                                  | 1 Event        | 0.10 Events/Sec      | 0d 00h:00m:00.53s |
| Enter COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER                                                                 | 1 Entry        | 0.10 Entries/Sec     | 0d 00h:00m:00.53s |
.                                                                                          .                .                      .                   .
.                                                                                          .                .                      .                   .
| Event-Transitions UPDATING_CLIENTS -[CHANGE_LOCAL_CONFIGURED_LEVEL]-> COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | 1 Transition   | 0.00 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.53s |

All Interfaces Traffic:
| Description               | Value                   | Rate Over                           | Last Change       |
|                           |                         | Last 10 Seconds                     |                   |
| RX IPv4 LIE Packets       | 25 Packets, 4260 Bytes  | 2.40 Packets/Sec, 409.20 Bytes/Sec  | 0d 00h:00m:00.00s |
| TX IPv4 LIE Packets       | 30 Packets, 4990 Bytes  | 2.80 Packets/Sec, 467.60 Bytes/Sec  | 0d 00h:00m:00.00s |
| RX IPv4 TIE Packets       | 2 Packets, 612 Bytes    | 0.10 Packets/Sec, 30.60 Bytes/Sec   | 0d 00h:00m:00.01s |
| TX IPv4 TIE Packets       | 2 Packets, 612 Bytes    | 0.10 Packets/Sec, 30.60 Bytes/Sec   | 0d 00h:00m:00.02s |
.                           .                         .                                     .                   .
.                           .                         .                                     .                   .
| Total TX Packets          | 91 Packets, 22560 Bytes | 8.30 Packets/Sec, 1987.00 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.01s |

All Interfaces Security:
| Description                       | Value                   | Rate Over                           | Last Change       |
|                                   |                         | Last 10 Seconds                     |                   |
| Empty outer fingerprint accepted  | 81 Packets, 21100 Bytes | 7.50 Packets/Sec, 1870.20 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.01s |
| Empty origin fingerprint accepted | 2 Packets, 612 Bytes    | 0.10 Packets/Sec, 30.60 Bytes/Sec   | 0d 00h:00m:00.01s |

All Interface LIE FSMs:
| Description                                             | Value          | Rate Over            | Last Change       |
|                                                         |                | Last 10 Seconds      |                   |
| Events TIMER_TICK                                       | 30 Events      | 2.80 Events/Sec      | 0d 00h:00m:00.01s |
| Events LIE_RECEIVED                                     | 48 Events      | 4.50 Events/Sec      | 0d 00h:00m:00.02s |
| Events SEND_LIE                                         | 30 Events      | 2.80 Events/Sec      | 0d 00h:00m:00.01s |
| Transitions ONE_WAY -> ONE_WAY                          | 10 Transitions | 0.80 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.01s |
.                                                         .                .                      .                   .
.                                                         .                .                      .                   .
| Event-Transitions THREE_WAY -[SEND_LIE]-> THREE_WAY     | 25 Transitions | 2.40 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.01s |

show flooding-reduction

The “show flooding-reduction” command shows information about flooding reduction. Specifically, it shows which parent routers have been elected as Flood Repeaters (FRs) including additional information to understand the steps in the algorithm for the election.


agg_101> show flooding-reduction
| Interface | Parent    | Parent          | Grandparent | Similarity | Flood    |
| Name      | System ID | Interface       | Count       | Group      | Repeater |
|           |           | Name            |             |            |          |
| if_101_1  | 1         | core_1:if_1_101 | 0           | 1: 0-0     | False    |

| Grandparent | Parent | Flood       | Redundantly |
| System ID   | Count  | Repeater    | Covered     |
|             |        | Adjacencies |             |

| Interface   | Neighbor              | Neighbor  | Neighbor  | Neighbor  | Neighbor is    | This Node is   |
| Name        | Interface             | System ID | State     | Direction | Flood Repeater | Flood Repeater |
|             | Name                  |           |           |           | for This Node  | for Neighbor   |
| if_101_1    | core_1:if_1_101       | 1         | THREE_WAY | North     | False          | Not Applicable |
| if_101_1001 | edge_1001:if_1001_101 | 1001      | THREE_WAY | South     | Not Applicable | True           |
| if_101_1002 | edge_1002:if_1002_101 | 1002      | THREE_WAY | South     | Not Applicable | True           |
| if_101_2    |                       |           | ONE_WAY   |           | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |

show forwarding

The “show forwarding” command shows all routes in the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) of the current node. It shows both the IPv4 FIB and the IPv6 FIB.


agg_101> show forwarding
IPv4 Routes:
| Prefix        | Next-hop | Next-hop    | Next-hop   | Next-hop |
|               | Type     | Interface   | Address    | Weight   |
|     | Positive | if_101_1    | |          |
|    | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
|    | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
|    | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
.               .          .             .            .          .
.               .          .             .            .          .
| | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
|               | Positive | if_101_1002 | |          |

IPv6 Routes:
| Prefix | Next-hop | Next-hop  | Next-hop             | Next-hop |
|        | Type     | Interface | Address              | Weight   |
| ::/0   | Positive | if_101_1  | fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |          |

show forwarding family family

The “show forwarding family family” command shows the routes of a given address family in the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) of the current node.

The family parameter can be “ipv4” or “ipv6


agg_101> show forwarding family ipv4
IPv4 Routes:
| Prefix        | Next-hop | Next-hop    | Next-hop   | Next-hop |
|               | Type     | Interface   | Address    | Weight   |
|     | Positive | if_101_1    | |          |
|    | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
|    | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
|    | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
.               .          .             .            .          .
.               .          .             .            .          .
| | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
|               | Positive | if_101_1002 | |          |

show forwarding prefix prefix

The “show forwarding prefix prefix” command shows the route for a given prefix in the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) of the current node.

Parameter prefix must be an IPv4 prefix or an IPv6 prefix


agg_101> show forwarding prefix ::/0
| Prefix | Next-hop | Next-hop  | Next-hop             | Next-hop |
|        | Type     | Interface | Address              | Weight   |
| ::/0   | Positive | if_101_1  | fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |          |

show fsm fsm

The “show fsm fsm” command shows the definition of the specified Finite State Machine (FSM).

Parameter fsm specifies the name of the FSM and can be one of the following values:


agg_101> show fsm lie
| State     |
| ONE_WAY   |
| TWO_WAY   |

| Event                         | Verbose |
| TIMER_TICK                    | True    |
| LEVEL_CHANGED                 | False   |
| HAL_CHANGED                   | False   |
| HAT_CHANGED                   | False   |
.                               .         .
.                               .         .
| SEND_LIE                      | True    |

| From state | Event                       | To state  | Actions                 | Push events |
| ONE_WAY    | TIMER_TICK                  | -         | -                       | SEND_LIE    |
| ONE_WAY    | LEVEL_CHANGED               | ONE_WAY   | update_level            | SEND_LIE    |
| ONE_WAY    | HAL_CHANGED                 | -         | store_hal               | -           |
| ONE_WAY    | HAT_CHANGED                 | -         | store_hat               | -           |
.            .                             .           .                         .             .
.            .                             .           .                         .             .
| THREE_WAY  | SEND_LIE                    | -         | send_lie                | -           |

State entry actions:
| State     | Entry Actions       | Exit Actions            |
| ONE_WAY   | cleanup             | increase_tx_nonce_local |
|           | send_lie            |                         |
| THREE_WAY | start_flooding      | increase_tx_nonce_local |
|           | init_partially_conn | stop_flooding           |
|           |                     | clear_partially_conn    |
| TWO_WAY   | -                   | increase_tx_nonce_local |
agg_101> show fsm ztp
| State              |
| HOLDING_DOWN       |

| Event                         | Verbose |
| NEIGHBOR_OFFER                | True    |
| BETTER_HAL                    | False   |
| BETTER_HAT                    | False   |
.                               .         .
.                               .         .
| HOLD_DOWN_EXPIRED             | False   |

| From state         | Event                         | To state           | Actions                 | Push events |
| UPDATING_CLIENTS   | CHANGE_LOCAL_CONFIGURED_LEVEL | COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | store_level             | -           |
| UPDATING_CLIENTS   | NEIGHBOR_OFFER                | -                  | update_or_remove_offer  | -           |
| UPDATING_CLIENTS   | BETTER_HAL                    | COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | -                       | -           |
| UPDATING_CLIENTS   | BETTER_HAT                    | COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | -                       | -           |
.                    .                               .                    .                         .             .
.                    .                               .                    .                         .             .
| COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | COMPUTATION_DONE              | UPDATING_CLIENTS   | -                       | -           |

State entry actions:
| State              | Entry Actions        | Exit Actions |
| COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | stop_hold_down_timer | -            |
|                    | level_compute        |              |
| UPDATING_CLIENTS   | update_all_lie_fsms  | -            |

show interface interface

The “show interface interface” command reports more detailed information about a single interface. If there is a neighbor on the interface, the command also shows details about that neighbor.

The interface parameter is the name of an interface of the current node. You can get a list of interfaces of the current node using the show interfaces command.

Example of an interface which does have a neighbor (adjacency in state THREE_WAY):

agg_101> show interface if_101_1
| Interface Name                       | if_101_1                                                 |
| Physical Interface Name              | ens5                                                     |
| Advertised Name                      | agg_101:if_101_1                                         |
| Interface IPv4 Address               |                                               |
| Interface IPv6 Address               | 2001:db8:1::242:ac11:2                                   |
| Interface Index                      | 8                                                        |
| Metric                               | 1                                                        |
| Bandwidth                            | 100 Mbps                                                 |
| LIE Receive IPv4 Multicast Address   |                                               |
| LIE Receive IPv6 Multicast Address   | FF02::A1F7                                               |
| LIE Receive Port                     | 20001                                                    |
| LIE Transmit IPv4 Multicast Address  |                                               |
| LIE Transmit IPv6 Multicast Address  | FF02::A1F7                                               |
| LIE Transmit Port                    | 20002                                                    |
| Flooding Receive Port                | 20004                                                    |
| System ID                            | 101                                                      |
| Local ID                             | 1                                                        |
| MTU                                  | 1400                                                     |
| POD                                  | 0                                                        |
| Failure                              | ok                                                       |
| State                                | THREE_WAY                                                |
| Time in State                        | 0d 00h:00m:03.93s                                        |
| Flaps                                | 0                                                        |
| Received LIE Accepted or Rejected    | Accepted                                                 |
| Received LIE Accept or Reject Reason | Neither node is leaf and level difference is at most one |
| Neighbor is Flood Repeater           | False                                                    |
| Neighbor is Partially Connected      | N/A                                                      |
| Nodes Causing Partial Connectivity   |                                                          |

| Name                   | core_1:if_1_101           |
| System ID              | 1                         |
| IPv4 Address           |                |
| IPv6 Address           | fe80::42:acff:fe11:2%ens5 |
| LIE UDP Source Port    | 58114                     |
| Link ID                | 1                         |
| Level                  | 24                        |
| Flood UDP Port         | 20003                     |
| MTU                    | 1400                      |
| POD                    | 0                         |
| Hold Time              | 3                         |
| Not a ZTP Offer        | False                     |
| You are Flood Repeater | False                     |
| Your System ID         | 101                       |
| Your Local ID          | 1                         |

show interface interface fsm history

The “show interface interface fsm history” command shows the 25 most recent “interesting” executed events for the Link Information Element (LIE) Finite State Machine (FSM) associated with the interface. The most recent event is at the top.

This command only shows the “interesting” events, i.e. it does not show any events that are marked as “verbose” by the “show fsm lie” command. Use the “show interface interface fsm verbose-history” command if you want to see all events.


agg_101> show interface if_101_1001 fsm history
| Sequence | Time     | Time     | Queue    | Processing | Verbose | From    | Event               | Actions and             | To        | Implicit |
| Nr       | Since    | Since    | Time     | Time       | Skipped | State   |                     | Pushed Events           | State     |          |
|          | First    | Prev     |          |            |         |         |                     |                         |           |          |
| 212      | 1.064085 | 0.001621 | 0.000075 | 0.008868   | 2       | TWO_WAY | VALID_REFLECTION    | increase_tx_nonce_local | THREE_WAY | False    |
|          |          |          |          |            |         |         |                     | start_flooding          |           |          |
|          |          |          |          |            |         |         |                     | init_partially_conn     |           |          |
| 209      | 1.062464 | 0.837820 | 0.000135 | 0.000083   | 3       | ONE_WAY | NEW_NEIGHBOR        | SEND_LIE                | TWO_WAY   | False    |
|          |          |          |          |            |         |         |                     | increase_tx_nonce_local |           |          |
| 68       | 0.224644 | 0.001721 | 0.000083 | 0.000006   | 1       | ONE_WAY | UNACCEPTABLE_HEADER |                         | ONE_WAY   | False    |
| 66       | 0.222923 | 0.222923 | 0.000160 | 0.000006   | 1       | ONE_WAY | UNACCEPTABLE_HEADER |                         | ONE_WAY   | False    |
| 9        | 0.000000 |          | 0.000000 | 0.000977   | 0       | None    | None                | cleanup                 | ONE_WAY   | False    |
|          |          |          |          |            |         |         |                     | send_lie                |           |          |

show interface interface fsm verbose-history

The “show interface interface fsm verbose-history” command shows the 25 most recent executed events for the Link Information Element (LIE) Finite State Machine (FSM) associated with the interface. The most recent event is at the top.

This command shows all events, including the events that are marked as verbose by the “show fsm lie” command. Because of this, the output tends to be dominated by non-interesting verbose events such as timer ticks and the sending and receiving of periodic LIE messages. Use the “show interface interface fsm history” command if you only want to see “interesting” events.


agg_101> show interface if_101_1001 fsm verbose-history
| Sequence | Time     | Time     | Queue    | Processing | From      | Event               | Actions and             | To        | Implicit |
| Nr       | Since    | Since    | Time     | Time       | State     |                     | Pushed Events           | State     |          |
|          | First    | Prev     |          |            |           |                     |                         |           |          |
| 1046     | 5.129199 | 0.000266 | 0.000501 | 0.000092   | THREE_WAY | LIE_RECEIVED        | process_lie             | None      | False    |
| 1045     | 5.128934 | 0.128804 | 0.001155 | 0.000122   | THREE_WAY | LIE_RECEIVED        | process_lie             | None      | False    |
| 972      | 5.000130 | 0.000182 | 0.000147 | 0.001473   | THREE_WAY | SEND_LIE            | send_lie                | None      | False    |
| 971      | 4.999947 | 0.872083 | 0.000131 | 0.000032   | THREE_WAY | TIMER_TICK          | check_hold_time_expired | None      | False    |
|          |          |          |          |            |           |                     | SEND_LIE                |           |          |
.          .          .          .          .            .           .                     .                         .           .          .
.          .          .          .          .            .           .                     .                         .           .          .
| 9        | 0.000000 |          | 0.000000 | 0.000977   | None      | None                | cleanup                 | ONE_WAY   | False    |
|          |          |          |          |            |           |                     | send_lie                |           |          |

show interface interface packets

The “show interface interface packets” command shows a fully decoded trace of the 20 most recently sent and received RIFT packets on the interface.


agg_101> show interface if_101_1 packets
Last 20 Packets Sent and Received on Interface:
| direction=TX  timestamp=2020-07-16-12:08:41.272240                                                                                |
| local-address=fe80::42:acff:fe11:2%ens5:38951  remote_address=ff02::a1f7%ens5:20002                                               |
|                                                                                                                                   |
| packet-nr=7 outer-key-id=0 nonce-local=13630 nonce-remote=15365 remaining-lie-lifetime=all-ones outer-fingerprint-len=0           |
| protocol-packet=ProtocolPacket(content=PacketContent(tie=None, lie=LIEPacket(you_are_flood_repeater=False, flood_port=20004,      |
| link_capabilities=None, label=None, link_mtu_size=1400, local_id=1, name='agg_101:if_101_1', you_are_sending_too_quickly=False,   |
| pod=0, not_a_ztp_offer=True, holdtime=3, node_capabilities=NodeCapabilities(hierarchy_indications=1, flood_reduction=True,        |
| protocol_minor_version=1), instance_name=None, link_bandwidth=100, neighbor=Neighbor(originator=1, remote_id=1)), tide=None,      |
| tire=None), header=PacketHeader(major_version=4, sender=101, minor_version=1, level=23))                                          |
| direction=TX  timestamp=2020-07-16-12:08:41.271970  seconds-since-prev=0.0003                                                     |
| local-address=  remote_address=                                                                   |
|                                                                                                                                   |
| packet-nr=7 outer-key-id=0 nonce-local=13630 nonce-remote=15365 remaining-lie-lifetime=all-ones outer-fingerprint-len=0           |
| protocol-packet=ProtocolPacket(content=PacketContent(tie=None, lie=LIEPacket(you_are_flood_repeater=False, flood_port=20004,      |
| link_capabilities=None, label=None, link_mtu_size=1400, local_id=1, name='agg_101:if_101_1', you_are_sending_too_quickly=False,   |
| pod=0, not_a_ztp_offer=True, holdtime=3, node_capabilities=NodeCapabilities(hierarchy_indications=1, flood_reduction=True,        |
| protocol_minor_version=1), instance_name=None, link_bandwidth=100, neighbor=Neighbor(originator=1, remote_id=1)), tide=None,      |
| tire=None), header=PacketHeader(major_version=4, sender=101, minor_version=1, level=23))                                          |
| direction=RX  timestamp=2020-07-16-12:08:41.234127  seconds-since-prev=0.0378                                                     |
| local-address=ff02::a1f7%ens5:20001  remote_address=fe80::42:acff:fe11:2%ens5:58114                                               |
|                                                                                                                                   |
| packet-nr=7 outer-key-id=0 nonce-local=15365 nonce-remote=13630 remaining-lie-lifetime=all-ones outer-fingerprint-len=0           |
| protocol-packet=ProtocolPacket(content=PacketContent(tie=None, lie=LIEPacket(you_are_flood_repeater=False, flood_port=20003,      |
| link_capabilities=None, label=None, link_mtu_size=1400, local_id=1, name='core_1:if_1_101', you_are_sending_too_quickly=False,    |
| pod=0, not_a_ztp_offer=False, holdtime=3, node_capabilities=NodeCapabilities(hierarchy_indications=1, flood_reduction=True,       |
| protocol_minor_version=1), instance_name=None, link_bandwidth=100, neighbor=Neighbor(originator=101, remote_id=1)), tide=None,    |
| tire=None), header=PacketHeader(major_version=4, sender=1, minor_version=1, level=24))                                            |
| direction=RX  timestamp=2020-07-16-12:08:41.232770  seconds-since-prev=0.0014                                                     |
| local-address=  remote_address=                                                                   |
|                                                                                                                                   |
| packet-nr=7 outer-key-id=0 nonce-local=15365 nonce-remote=13630 remaining-lie-lifetime=all-ones outer-fingerprint-len=0           |
| protocol-packet=ProtocolPacket(content=PacketContent(tie=None, lie=LIEPacket(you_are_flood_repeater=False, flood_port=20003,      |
| link_capabilities=None, label=None, link_mtu_size=1400, local_id=1, name='core_1:if_1_101', you_are_sending_too_quickly=False,    |
| pod=0, not_a_ztp_offer=False, holdtime=3, node_capabilities=NodeCapabilities(hierarchy_indications=1, flood_reduction=True,       |
| protocol_minor_version=1), instance_name=None, link_bandwidth=100, neighbor=Neighbor(originator=101, remote_id=1)), tide=None,    |
| tire=None), header=PacketHeader(major_version=4, sender=1, minor_version=1, level=24))                                            |
| direction=TX  timestamp=2020-07-16-12:08:40.310888  seconds-since-prev=0.9219                                                     |
| local-address=  remote_address=                                                                   |
|                                                                                                                                   |
| packet-nr=3 outer-key-id=0 nonce-local=13630 nonce-remote=15365 remaining-lie-lifetime=all-ones outer-fingerprint-len=0           |
| protocol-packet=ProtocolPacket(content=PacketContent(tie=None, lie=None, tide=TIDEPacket(start_range=TIEID(originator=0,          |
| direction=1, tie_nr=0, tietype=2), headers=[TIEHeaderWithLifeTime(remaining_lifetime=604797,                                      |
| header=TIEHeader(origination_lifetime=None, origination_time=None, seq_nr=5, tieid=TIEID(originator=1, direction=1, tie_nr=1,     |
| tietype=2))), TIEHeaderWithLifeTime(remaining_lifetime=604797, header=TIEHeader(origination_lifetime=None, origination_time=None, |
| seq_nr=1, tieid=TIEID(originator=1, direction=1, tie_nr=2, tietype=3))), TIEHeaderWithLifeTime(remaining_lifetime=604797,         |
| header=TIEHeader(origination_lifetime=None, origination_time=None, seq_nr=4, tieid=TIEID(originator=101, direction=2, tie_nr=1,   |
| tietype=2))), TIEHeaderWithLifeTime(remaining_lifetime=604797, header=TIEHeader(origination_lifetime=None, origination_time=None, |
| seq_nr=3, tieid=TIEID(originator=1001, direction=2, tie_nr=1, tietype=2))), TIEHeaderWithLifeTime(remaining_lifetime=604796,      |
| header=TIEHeader(origination_lifetime=None, origination_time=None, seq_nr=1, tieid=TIEID(originator=1001, direction=2, tie_nr=2,  |
| tietype=3))), TIEHeaderWithLifeTime(remaining_lifetime=604797, header=TIEHeader(origination_lifetime=None, origination_time=None, |
| seq_nr=3, tieid=TIEID(originator=1002, direction=2, tie_nr=1, tietype=2))), TIEHeaderWithLifeTime(remaining_lifetime=604796,      |
| header=TIEHeader(origination_lifetime=None, origination_time=None, seq_nr=1, tieid=TIEID(originator=1002, direction=2, tie_nr=2,  |
| tietype=3)))], end_range=TIEID(originator=18446744073709551615, direction=2, tie_nr=4294967295, tietype=7)), tire=None),          |
| header=PacketHeader(major_version=4, sender=101, minor_version=1, level=23))                                                      |
.                                                                                                                                   .
.                                                                                                                                   .
| direction=RX  timestamp=2020-07-16-12:08:38.518123  seconds-since-prev=0.0018                                                     |
| local-address=  remote_address=                                                                   |
|                                                                                                                                   |
| packet-nr=1 outer-key-id=0 nonce-local=15365 nonce-remote=13630 remaining-lie-lifetime=all-ones outer-fingerprint-len=0           |
| protocol-packet=ProtocolPacket(content=PacketContent(tie=None, lie=None, tide=None,                                               |
| tire=TIREPacket(headers={TIEHeaderWithLifeTime(remaining_lifetime=0, header=TIEHeader(origination_lifetime=None,                  |
| origination_time=None, seq_nr=0, tieid=TIEID(originator=101, direction=2, tie_nr=1, tietype=2)))})),                              |
| header=PacketHeader(major_version=4, sender=1, minor_version=1, level=24))                                                        |

show interface interface queues

The “show interface interface queues” command shows flooding queues:

Queue name Messages in queue
Transmit queue The TIE headers that need to be transmitted in a TIE message over this interface
Retransmit queue The TIE headers that need to be re-transmitted in a TIE message over this interface
Request queue The TIE headers that need to be requested in a TIRE message over this interface
Acknowledge queue The TIE headers that need to be acknowledged in a TIRE message over this interface

When the flooding has converged, all queues are expected to be empty. A queue that is persistently non-empty indicates a problem in flooding convergence.


agg_101> show interface if_101_1 queues
Transmit queue:
| Direction | Originator | Type | TIE Nr | Seq Nr | Send  |
|           |            |      |        |        | Delay |

Request queue:
| Direction | Originator | Type | TIE Nr | Seq Nr | Send  |
|           |            |      |        |        | Delay |

Acknowledge queue:
| Direction | Originator | Type | TIE Nr | Seq Nr | Remaining | Send  |
|           |            |      |        |        | Lifetime  | Delay |

show interface interface security

The “show interface interface security” command shows the security parameters (e.g. configured key identifiers) and security statistics for the given interface.


agg_101> show interface if_101_1 security
Outer Keys:
| Key               | Key ID(s) | Configuration Source |
| Active Outer Key  | None      | Node Active Key      |
| Accept Outer Keys |           | Node Accept Keys     |

| Last Received LIE Nonce  | 15365          |
| Last Sent Nonce          | 13630          |
| Next Sent Nonce Increase | 54.359729 secs |

Security Statistics:
| Description                                    | Value                  | Rate Over                          | Last Change       |
|                                                |                        | Last 10 Seconds                    |                   |
| Missing outer security envelope                | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
| Zero outer key id not accepted                 | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
| Non-zero outer key id not accepted             | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
| Incorrect outer fingerprint                    | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
.                                                .                        .                                    .                   .
.                                                .                        .                                    .                   .
| Empty origin fingerprint accepted              | 2 Packets, 560 Bytes   | 0.20 Packets/Sec, 56.00 Bytes/Sec  | 0d 00h:00m:04.25s |

show interface interface sockets

The “show interface interface sockets” command shows the sockets that the current node has opened for sending and receiving packets.


agg_101> show interface if_101_1 sockets
| Traffic  | Direction | Family | Local Address             | Local Port | Remote Address  | Remote Port |
| LIEs     | Receive   | IPv4   |                | 20001      | Any             | Any         |
| LIEs     | Receive   | IPv6   | ff02::a1f7%ens5           | 20001      | Any             | Any         |
| LIEs     | Send      | IPv4   |                | 60055      |      | 20002       |
| LIEs     | Send      | IPv6   | fe80::42:acff:fe11:2%ens5 | 38951      | ff02::a1f7%ens5 | 20002       |
.          .           .        .                           .            .                 .             .
.          .           .        .                           .            .                 .             .
| Flooding | Send      | IPv4   |                | 59948      |      | 20003       |

show interface interface statistics

The “show interface interface statistics” command shows all the statistics for the specified interface.


agg_101> show interface if_101_1 statistics
| Description               | Value                 | Rate Over                          | Last Change       |
|                           |                       | Last 10 Seconds                    |                   |
| RX IPv4 LIE Packets       | 2 Packets, 334 Bytes  | 0.20 Packets/Sec, 33.40 Bytes/Sec  | 0d 00h:00m:00.93s |
| TX IPv4 LIE Packets       | 2 Packets, 336 Bytes  | 0.20 Packets/Sec, 33.60 Bytes/Sec  | 0d 00h:00m:00.89s |
| RX IPv4 TIE Packets       | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes    | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
| TX IPv4 TIE Packets       | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes    | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
.                           .                       .                                    .                   .
.                           .                       .                                    .                   .
| Total RX Misorders        | 0 Packets             | 0.00 Packets/Sec                   |                   |

| Description                                    | Value                  | Rate Over                          | Last Change       |
|                                                |                        | Last 10 Seconds                    |                   |
| Missing outer security envelope                | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
| Zero outer key id not accepted                 | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
| Non-zero outer key id not accepted             | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
| Incorrect outer fingerprint                    | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
.                                                .                        .                                    .                   .
.                                                .                        .                                    .                   .
| Empty origin fingerprint accepted              | 2 Packets, 560 Bytes   | 0.20 Packets/Sec, 56.00 Bytes/Sec  | 0d 00h:00m:04.50s |

| Description                                                | Value         | Rate Over            | Last Change       |
|                                                            |               | Last 10 Seconds      |                   |
| Enter ONE_WAY                                              | 0 Entries     | 0.00 Entries/Sec     |                   |
| Enter THREE_WAY                                            | 0 Entries     | 0.00 Entries/Sec     |                   |
| Enter TWO_WAY                                              | 0 Entries     | 0.00 Entries/Sec     |                   |
| Event-Transitions None -[None]-> ONE_WAY                   | 0 Transitions | 0.00 Transitions/Sec |                   |
.                                                            .               .                      .                   .
.                                                            .               .                      .                   .
| Transitions TWO_WAY -> TWO_WAY                             | 0 Transitions | 0.00 Transitions/Sec |                   |

show interface interface statistics exclude-zero

The “show interface interface statistics” command shows all the statistics for the specified interface, excluding any zero statistics.


agg_101> show interface if_101_1 statistics exclude-zero
| Description               | Value                  | Rate Over                          | Last Change       |
|                           |                        | Last 10 Seconds                    |                   |
| RX IPv4 LIE Packets       | 3 Packets, 501 Bytes   | 0.20 Packets/Sec, 33.40 Bytes/Sec  | 0d 00h:00m:00.08s |
| TX IPv4 LIE Packets       | 3 Packets, 504 Bytes   | 0.20 Packets/Sec, 33.60 Bytes/Sec  | 0d 00h:00m:00.02s |
| RX IPv4 TIDE Packets      | 2 Packets, 2036 Bytes  | 0.10 Packets/Sec, 101.80 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.04s |
| TX IPv4 TIDE Packets      | 2 Packets, 1092 Bytes  | 0.10 Packets/Sec, 54.60 Bytes/Sec  | 0d 00h:00m:00.01s |
.                           .                        .                                    .                   .
.                           .                        .                                    .                   .
| Total TX Packets          | 8 Packets, 2100 Bytes  | 0.50 Packets/Sec, 121.80 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.01s |

| Description                       | Value                  | Rate Over                          | Last Change       |
|                                   |                        | Last 10 Seconds                    |                   |
| Empty outer fingerprint accepted  | 25 Packets, 6464 Bytes | 2.40 Packets/Sec, 544.60 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.04s |
| Empty origin fingerprint accepted | 2 Packets, 560 Bytes   | 0.20 Packets/Sec, 56.00 Bytes/Sec  | 0d 00h:00m:04.65s |

| Description                                             | Value          | Rate Over            | Last Change       |
|                                                         |                | Last 10 Seconds      |                   |
| Event-Transitions THREE_WAY -[LIE_RECEIVED]-> THREE_WAY | 6 Transitions  | 0.40 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.08s |
| Event-Transitions THREE_WAY -[SEND_LIE]-> THREE_WAY     | 3 Transitions  | 0.20 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.03s |
| Event-Transitions THREE_WAY -[TIMER_TICK]-> THREE_WAY   | 3 Transitions  | 0.20 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.03s |
| Events LIE_RECEIVED                                     | 6 Events       | 0.40 Events/Sec      | 0d 00h:00m:00.08s |
.                                                         .                .                      .                   .
.                                                         .                .                      .                   .
| Transitions THREE_WAY -> THREE_WAY                      | 12 Transitions | 0.80 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.03s |

show interface interface tides

The “show interface interface tides” command shows the TIDE packets that the node is currently periodically sending on the specified interface.


agg_101> show interface if_101_1 tides
Send TIDEs:
| Start          | End                                             | Direction | Originator | Type   | TIE Nr | Seq Nr | Remaining | Origination |
| Range          | Range                                           |           |            |        |        |        | Lifetime  | Time        |
| South:0:Node:0 | North:18446744073709551615:Key-Value:4294967295 | South     | 1          | Node   | 1      | 5      | 604795    | -           |
|                |                                                 | South     | 1          | Prefix | 2      | 1      | 604795    | -           |
|                |                                                 | North     | 101        | Node   | 1      | 4      | 604795    | -           |
|                |                                                 | North     | 1001       | Node   | 1      | 3      | 604795    | -           |
|                |                                                 | North     | 1001       | Prefix | 2      | 1      | 604794    | -           |
|                |                                                 | North     | 1002       | Node   | 1      | 3      | 604795    | -           |
|                |                                                 | North     | 1002       | Prefix | 2      | 1      | 604794    | -           |

show interfaces

The “show interfaces” command reports a summary of all RIFT interfaces (i.e. interfaces on which RIFT is running) on the currently active RIFT node.

Use the “show interface interface” to see all details about any particular interface.

agg_101> show interfaces
| Interface   | Neighbor              | Neighbor  | Neighbor  | Time in           | Flaps |
| Name        | Name                  | System ID | State     | State             |       |
| if_101_1    | core_1:if_1_101       | 1         | THREE_WAY | 0d 00h:00m:05.24s | 0     |
| if_101_1001 | edge_1001:if_1001_101 | 1001      | THREE_WAY | 0d 00h:00m:05.23s | 0     |
| if_101_1002 | edge_1002:if_1002_101 | 1002      | THREE_WAY | 0d 00h:00m:05.21s | 0     |
| if_101_2    |                       |           | ONE_WAY   | 0d 00h:00m:06.30s | 0     |

show kernel addresses

The “show kernel addresses” command reports a summary of all addresses in the Linux kernel on which the RIFT engine is running.

agg_101> show kernel addresses
Kernel Addresses:
| Interface | Address                | Local      | Broadcast      | Anycast |
| Name      |                        |            |                |         |
| lo        |              |  |                |         |
| ens5      |             | | |         |
|           | ::1                    |            |                |         |
|           | 2001:db8:1::242:ac11:2 |            |                |         |
|           | fe80::42:acff:fe11:2   |            |                |         |

If this command is executed on a platform that does not support the Netlink interface to the kernel routing table (i.e. any non-Linux platform including BSD and macOS) the following error message is reported:

agg_101> show kernel addresses
Kernel networking not supported on this platform

The “show kernel links” command reports a summary of all links in the Linux kernel on which the RIFT engine is running.

agg_101> show kernel links
Kernel Links:
| Interface | Interface | Hardware          | Hardware          | Link Type | MTU   | Flags     |
| Name      | Index     | Address           | Broadcast         |           |       |           |
|           |           |                   | Address           |           |       |           |
| lo        | 1         | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | 00:00:00:00:00:00 |           | 65536 | UP        |
|           |           |                   |                   |           |       | LOOPBACK  |
|           |           |                   |                   |           |       | RUNNING   |
|           |           |                   |                   |           |       | LOWER_UP  |
| tunl0     | 2         | 00:00:00:00:08:00 | 00:00:00:00:c4:00 | 0         | 1480  | NOARP     |
| ip6tnl0   | 3         | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | 0         | 1452  | NOARP     |
| ens5      | 8         | 02:42:ac:11:00:02 | ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff | 9         | 1500  | UP        |
|           |           |                   |                   |           |       | BROADCAST |
|           |           |                   |                   |           |       | RUNNING   |
|           |           |                   |                   |           |       | MULTICAST |
|           |           |                   |                   |           |       | LOWER_UP  |

If this command is executed on a platform that does not support the Netlink interface to the kernel routing table (i.e. any non-Linux platform including BSD and macOS) the following error message is reported:

agg_101> show kernel links
Kernel networking not supported on this platform

show kernel routes table table prefix prefix

The “show kernel routes table table prefix prefix” command reports the details of a single route in the route table in the Linux kernel on which the RIFT engine is running.

Parameter table must be local, main, default, unspecified, or a number in the range 0-255.

Parameter prefix must be an IPv4 prefix or an IPv6 prefix

agg_101> show kernel routes table main prefix
Prefix "" in table "Main" not present in kernel route table

If this command is executed on a platform that does not support the Netlink interface to the kernel routing table (i.e. any non-Linux platform including BSD and macOS) the following error message is reported:

agg_101> show kernel routes table main prefix
Kernel networking not supported on this platform

show kernel routes

The “show kernel routes” command reports a summary of all routes in the Linux kernel on which the RIFT engine is running.

agg_101> show kernel routes
Kernel Routes:
| Table | Address | Destination                | Type      | Protocol | Outgoing  | Gateway       | Weight |
|       | Family  |                            |           |          | Interface |               |        |
| Main  | IPv4    |                  | Unicast   | Boot     | ens5      |    |        |
| Main  | IPv4    |              | Unicast   | Kernel   | ens5      |               |        |
| Main  | IPv6    | ::/0                       | Unicast   | Boot     | ens5      | 2001:db8:1::1 |        |
| Main  | IPv6    | 2001:db8:1::/64            | Unicast   | Kernel   | ens5      |               |        |
.       .         .                            .           .          .           .               .        .
.       .         .                            .           .          .           .               .        .
| Local | IPv6    | ff00::/8                   | Unicast   | Boot     | ens5      |               |        |

If this command is executed on a platform that does not support the Netlink interface to the kernel routing table (i.e. any non-Linux platform including BSD and macOS) the following error message is reported:

agg_101> show kernel routes
Kernel networking not supported on this platform

show kernel routes table table

The “show kernel routes table table” command reports a summary of all routes in a specific route table in the Linux kernel on which the RIFT engine is running.

Parameter table must be local, main, default, unspecified, or a number in the range 0-255.

agg_101> show kernel routes table main
Kernel Routes:
| Table | Address | Destination     | Type    | Protocol | Outgoing  | Gateway       | Weight |
|       | Family  |                 |         |          | Interface |               |        |
| Main  | IPv4    |       | Unicast | Boot     | ens5      |    |        |
| Main  | IPv4    |   | Unicast | Kernel   | ens5      |               |        |
| Main  | IPv6    | ::/0            | Unicast | Boot     | ens5      | 2001:db8:1::1 |        |
| Main  | IPv6    | 2001:db8:1::/64 | Unicast | Kernel   | ens5      |               |        |
| Main  | IPv6    | fe80::/64       | Unicast | Kernel   | ens5      |               |        |

If this command is executed on a platform that does not support the Netlink interface to the kernel routing table (i.e. any non-Linux platform including BSD and macOS) the following error message is reported:

agg_101> show kernel routes table main
Kernel networking not supported on this platform

show neighbors

The “show neighbor” command reports a summary of all RIFT neighbors of the current node. If there are multiple parallel links to the same neighbor, there may be fewer neighbors than interfaces.

Use the “show bandwidth-balancing command to see details about how the bandwidth is distributed across neighbors and interfaces.

agg_101> show neighbors
| System ID | Direction | Interface   | Adjacency             |
|           |           | Name        | Name                  |
| 1         | North     | if_101_1    | core_1:if_1_101       |
| 2         | North     | if_101_2    | core_2:if_2_101       |
| 1001      | South     | if_101_1001 | edge_1001:if_1001_101 |
| 1002      | South     | if_101_1002 | edge_1002:if_1002_101 |

show node

The “show node” command reports the details for the currently active RIFT node:


agg_101> show node
| Name                                  | agg_101          |
| Passive                               | False            |
| Running                               | True             |
| System ID                             | 101              |
| Configured Level                      | undefined        |
| Leaf Only                             | False            |
| Leaf 2 Leaf                           | False            |
| Top of Fabric Flag                    | False            |
| Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) Enabled | True             |
| ZTP FSM State                         | UPDATING_CLIENTS |
| ZTP Hold Down Timer                   | Stopped          |
| ZTP Hold Down Timer                   | Stopped          |
| Highest Available Level (HAL)         | 24               |
| Highest Adjacency Three-way (HAT)     | 24               |
| Level Value                           | 23               |
| Receive LIE IPv4 Multicast Address    |       |
| Transmit LIE IPv4 Multicast Address   |      |
| Receive LIE IPv6 Multicast Address    | FF02::A1F7       |
| Transmit LIE IPv6 Multicast Address   | FF02::A1F7       |
| Receive LIE Port                      | 20102            |
| Transmit LIE Port                     | 10000            |
| LIE Send Interval                     | 1.0 secs         |
| Receive TIE Port                      | 10001            |
| Kernel Route Table                    | 3                |
| Originating South-bound Default Route | False            |
| Flooding Reduction Enabled            | True             |
| Flooding Reduction Redundancy         | 2                |
| Flooding Reduction Similarity         | 2                |
| Flooding Reduction Node Random        | 49551            |

Received Offers:
| Interface   | System ID | Level | Not A ZTP Offer | State     | Best  | Best 3-Way | Removed | Removed Reason |
| if_101_1    | 1         | 24    | False           | THREE_WAY | True  | True       | False   |                |
| if_101_1001 | 1001      | 0     | False           | THREE_WAY | False | False      | True    | Level is leaf  |
| if_101_1002 | 1002      | 0     | False           | THREE_WAY | False | False      | True    | Level is leaf  |

Sent Offers:
| Interface   | System ID | Level | Not A ZTP Offer | State     |
| if_101_1    | 101       | 23    | True            | THREE_WAY |
| if_101_1001 | 101       | 23    | False           | THREE_WAY |
| if_101_1002 | 101       | 23    | False           | THREE_WAY |
| if_101_2    | 101       | 23    | False           | ONE_WAY   |

show node fsm history

The “show node fsm history” command shows the 25 most recent “interesting” executed events for the Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) Finite State Machine (FSM) associated with the currently active node. The most recent event is at the top.

This command only shows the “interesting” events, i.e. it does not show any events that are marked as “verbose” by the “show fsm ztp” command. Use the “show node fsm verbose-history” command if you want to see all events.


agg_101> show node fsm history
| Sequence | Time     | Time     | Queue    | Processing | Verbose | From               | Event                         | Actions and          | To                 | Implicit |
| Nr       | Since    | Since    | Time     | Time       | Skipped | State              |                               | Pushed Events        | State              |          |
|          | First    | Prev     |          |            |         |                    |                               |                      |                    |          |
| 786      | 3.560886 | 0.002231 | 0.002082 | 0.000091   | 0       | COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | COMPUTATION_DONE              | update_all_lie_fsms  | UPDATING_CLIENTS   | False    |
| 785      | 3.558656 | 1.609555 | 0.006622 | 0.000144   | 11      | UPDATING_CLIENTS   | CHANGE_LOCAL_CONFIGURED_LEVEL | store_level          | COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | False    |
|          |          |          |          |            |         |                    |                               | stop_hold_down_timer |                    |          |
|          |          |          |          |            |         |                    |                               | level_compute        |                    |          |
|          |          |          |          |            |         |                    |                               | COMPUTATION_DONE     |                    |          |
| 483      | 1.949101 | 0.001643 | 0.001408 | 0.000094   | 0       | COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | COMPUTATION_DONE              | update_all_lie_fsms  | UPDATING_CLIENTS   | False    |
| 482      | 1.947458 | 0.987272 | 0.000165 | 0.000231   | 12      | UPDATING_CLIENTS   | BETTER_HAT                    | stop_hold_down_timer | COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | False    |
|          |          |          |          |            |         |                    |                               | level_compute        |                    |          |
|          |          |          |          |            |         |                    |                               | COMPUTATION_DONE     |                    |          |
.          .          .          .          .            .         .                    .                               .                      .                    .          .
.          .          .          .          .            .         .                    .                               .                      .                    .          .
| 11       | 0.000000 |          | 0.000000 | 0.000086   | 0       | None               | None                          | stop_hold_down_timer | COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | False    |
|          |          |          |          |            |         |                    |                               | level_compute        |                    |          |
|          |          |          |          |            |         |                    |                               | COMPUTATION_DONE     |                    |          |

show node fsm verbose-history

The “show node fsm verbose-history” command shows the 25 most recent executed events for the Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) Finite State Machine (FSM) associated with the currently active node. The most recent event is at the top.

This command shows all events, including the events that are marked as verbose by the “show fsm ztp” command. Because of this, the output tends to be dominated by non-interesting verbose events such as processing periodic offers received from neighbors. Use the “show node fsm history” command if you only want to see “interesting” events.


agg_101> show node fsm verbose-history
| Sequence | Time     | Time     | Queue    | Processing | From               | Event                         | Actions and            | To                 | Implicit |
| Nr       | Since    | Since    | Time     | Time       | State              |                               | Pushed Events          | State              |          |
|          | First    | Prev     |          |            |                    |                               |                        |                    |          |
| 1364     | 7.138171 | 0.000130 | 0.000488 | 0.000015   | UPDATING_CLIENTS   | NEIGHBOR_OFFER                | update_or_remove_offer | None               | False    |
| 1363     | 7.138041 | 0.019121 | 0.000707 | 0.000026   | UPDATING_CLIENTS   | NEIGHBOR_OFFER                | update_or_remove_offer | None               | False    |
| 1352     | 7.118920 | 0.000119 | 0.000250 | 0.000014   | UPDATING_CLIENTS   | NEIGHBOR_OFFER                | update_or_remove_offer | None               | False    |
| 1351     | 7.118801 | 0.154187 | 0.000421 | 0.000022   | UPDATING_CLIENTS   | NEIGHBOR_OFFER                | update_or_remove_offer | None               | False    |
.          .          .          .          .            .                    .                               .                        .                    .          .
.          .          .          .          .            .                    .                               .                        .                    .          .
| 11       | 0.000000 |          | 0.000000 | 0.000086   | None               | None                          | stop_hold_down_timer   | COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | False    |
|          |          |          |          |            |                    |                               | level_compute          |                    |          |
|          |          |          |          |            |                    |                               | COMPUTATION_DONE       |                    |          |

show node statistics

The “show node statistics” command shows all the statistics for the current node.


agg_101> show node statistics
| Description                                                                              | Value          | Rate Over            | Last Change       |
|                                                                                          |                | Last 10 Seconds      |                   |
| Enter COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER                                                                 | 1 Entry        | 0.10 Entries/Sec     | 0d 00h:00m:03.89s |
| Enter UPDATING_CLIENTS                                                                   | 1 Entry        | 0.10 Entries/Sec     | 0d 00h:00m:03.89s |
| Event-Transitions COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER -[COMPUTATION_DONE]-> UPDATING_CLIENTS              | 1 Transition   | 0.10 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:03.89s |
| Event-Transitions None -[None]-> COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER                                      | 0 Transitions  | 0.00 Transitions/Sec |                   |
.                                                                                          .                .                      .                   .
.                                                                                          .                .                      .                   .
| Transitions UPDATING_CLIENTS -> UPDATING_CLIENTS                                         | 24 Transitions | 2.40 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.31s |

Node Interfaces Traffic:
| Description               | Value                  | Rate Over                          | Last Change       |
|                           |                        | Last 10 Seconds                    |                   |
| RX IPv4 LIE Packets       | 12 Packets, 2052 Bytes | 1.20 Packets/Sec, 205.20 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.32s |
| TX IPv4 LIE Packets       | 16 Packets, 2624 Bytes | 1.60 Packets/Sec, 262.40 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.46s |
| RX IPv4 TIE Packets       | 4 Packets, 1224 Bytes  | 0.40 Packets/Sec, 122.40 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:02.37s |
| TX IPv4 TIE Packets       | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
.                           .                        .                                    .                   .
.                           .                        .                                    .                   .
| Total RX Misorders        | 0 Packets              | 0.00 Packets/Sec                   |                   |

Node Interfaces Security:
| Description                                    | Value                  | Rate Over                          | Last Change       |
|                                                |                        | Last 10 Seconds                    |                   |
| Missing outer security envelope                | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
| Zero outer key id not accepted                 | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
| Non-zero outer key id not accepted             | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
| Incorrect outer fingerprint                    | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes     | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec   |                   |
.                                                .                        .                                    .                   .
.                                                .                        .                                    .                   .
| Empty origin fingerprint accepted              | 4 Packets, 1224 Bytes  | 0.40 Packets/Sec, 122.40 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:02.38s |

Node Interface LIE FSMs:
| Description                                                | Value          | Rate Over            | Last Change       |
|                                                            |                | Last 10 Seconds      |                   |
| Enter ONE_WAY                                              | 0 Entries      | 0.00 Entries/Sec     |                   |
| Enter THREE_WAY                                            | 0 Entries      | 0.00 Entries/Sec     |                   |
| Enter TWO_WAY                                              | 0 Entries      | 0.00 Entries/Sec     |                   |
| Event-Transitions None -[None]-> ONE_WAY                   | 0 Transitions  | 0.00 Transitions/Sec |                   |
.                                                            .                .                      .                   .
.                                                            .                .                      .                   .
| Transitions TWO_WAY -> TWO_WAY                             | 0 Transitions  | 0.00 Transitions/Sec |                   |

show node statistics exclude-zero

The “show engine statistics” command shows all the statistics for the current node, excluding any zero statistics.


agg_101> show node statistics exclude-zero
| Description                                                                              | Value          | Rate Over            | Last Change       |
|                                                                                          |                | Last 10 Seconds      |                   |
| Enter COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER                                                                 | 1 Entry        | 0.10 Entries/Sec     | 0d 00h:00m:04.03s |
| Enter UPDATING_CLIENTS                                                                   | 1 Entry        | 0.10 Entries/Sec     | 0d 00h:00m:04.03s |
| Event-Transitions COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER -[COMPUTATION_DONE]-> UPDATING_CLIENTS              | 1 Transition   | 0.10 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:04.03s |
| Event-Transitions UPDATING_CLIENTS -[CHANGE_LOCAL_CONFIGURED_LEVEL]-> COMPUTE_BEST_OFFER | 1 Transition   | 0.10 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:04.03s |
.                                                                                          .                .                      .                   .
.                                                                                          .                .                      .                   .
| Transitions UPDATING_CLIENTS -> UPDATING_CLIENTS                                         | 24 Transitions | 2.40 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.45s |

Node Interfaces Traffic:
| Description               | Value                  | Rate Over                          | Last Change       |
|                           |                        | Last 10 Seconds                    |                   |
| RX IPv4 LIE Packets       | 12 Packets, 2052 Bytes | 1.20 Packets/Sec, 205.20 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.46s |
| TX IPv4 LIE Packets       | 16 Packets, 2624 Bytes | 1.60 Packets/Sec, 262.40 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.60s |
| RX IPv4 TIE Packets       | 4 Packets, 1224 Bytes  | 0.40 Packets/Sec, 122.40 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:02.51s |
| RX IPv4 TIDE Packets      | 6 Packets, 3748 Bytes  | 0.60 Packets/Sec, 374.80 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:01.45s |
.                           .                        .                                    .                   .
.                           .                        .                                    .                   .
| Total TX Packets          | 40 Packets, 9118 Bytes | 4.00 Packets/Sec, 911.80 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.60s |

Node Interfaces Security:
| Description                       | Value                  | Rate Over                          | Last Change       |
|                                   |                        | Last 10 Seconds                    |                   |
| Empty outer fingerprint accepted  | 37 Packets, 9436 Bytes | 3.70 Packets/Sec, 943.60 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.46s |
| Empty origin fingerprint accepted | 4 Packets, 1224 Bytes  | 0.40 Packets/Sec, 122.40 Bytes/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:02.52s |

Node Interface LIE FSMs:
| Description                                             | Value          | Rate Over            | Last Change       |
|                                                         |                | Last 10 Seconds      |                   |
| Event-Transitions ONE_WAY -[SEND_LIE]-> ONE_WAY         | 4 Transitions  | 0.40 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.61s |
| Event-Transitions ONE_WAY -[TIMER_TICK]-> ONE_WAY       | 4 Transitions  | 0.40 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.62s |
| Event-Transitions THREE_WAY -[LIE_RECEIVED]-> THREE_WAY | 24 Transitions | 2.40 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.46s |
| Event-Transitions THREE_WAY -[SEND_LIE]-> THREE_WAY     | 12 Transitions | 1.20 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.61s |
.                                                         .                .                      .                   .
.                                                         .                .                      .                   .
| Transitions THREE_WAY -> THREE_WAY                      | 48 Transitions | 4.80 Transitions/Sec | 0d 00h:00m:00.46s |

show nodes

The “show nodes” command shows a summary of all RIFT nodes running in the RIFT protocol engine.

You can make anyone of the listed nodes the currently active node using the “set node node” command.


agg_101> show nodes
| Node      | System | Running |
| Name      | ID     |         |
| agg_101   | 101    | True    |
| agg_102   | 102    | True    |
| agg_201   | 201    | True    |
| agg_202   | 202    | True    |
.           .        .         .
.           .        .         .
| edge_2002 | 2002   | True    |

show nodes level

The “show nodes level” command shows information on automatic level derivation procedures for all RIFT nodes in the RIFT topology:


agg_101> show nodes level
| Node      | System | Running | Configured    | Level |
| Name      | ID     |         | Level         | Value |
| agg_101   | 101    | True    | undefined     | 23    |
| agg_102   | 102    | True    | undefined     | 23    |
| agg_201   | 201    | True    | undefined     | 23    |
| agg_202   | 202    | True    | undefined     | 23    |
.           .        .         .               .       .
.           .        .         .               .       .
| edge_2002 | 2002   | True    | 0             | 0     |

show routes

The “show routes” command shows all routes in the Routing Information Base (RIB) of the current node. It shows both the IPv4 RIB and the IPv6 RIB.


agg_101> show routes
IPv4 Routes:
| Prefix        | Owner     | Next-hop | Next-hop    | Next-hop   | Next-hop |
|               |           | Type     | Interface   | Address    | Weight   |
|     | North SPF | Positive | if_101_1    | |          |
|    | South SPF | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
|    | South SPF | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
|    | South SPF | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
.               .           .          .             .            .          .
.               .           .          .             .            .          .
| | South SPF | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
|               |           | Positive | if_101_1002 | |          |

IPv6 Routes:
| Prefix | Owner     | Next-hop | Next-hop  | Next-hop             | Next-hop |
|        |           | Type     | Interface | Address              | Weight   |
| ::/0   | North SPF | Positive | if_101_1  | fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |          |

show routes family family

The “show routes family family” command shows the routes of a given address family in the Routing Information Base (RIB) of the current node.

The family parameter can be “ipv4” or “ipv6


agg_101> show routes family ipv4
IPv4 Routes:
| Prefix        | Owner     | Next-hop | Next-hop    | Next-hop   | Next-hop |
|               |           | Type     | Interface   | Address    | Weight   |
|     | North SPF | Positive | if_101_1    | |          |
|    | South SPF | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
|    | South SPF | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
|    | South SPF | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
.               .           .          .             .            .          .
.               .           .          .             .            .          .
| | South SPF | Positive | if_101_1001 | |          |
|               |           | Positive | if_101_1002 | |          |

show routes prefix prefix

The “show routes prefix prefix” command shows the routes for a given prefix in the Routing Information Base (RIB) of the current node.

Parameter prefix must be an IPv4 prefix or an IPv6 prefix


agg_101> show routes prefix ::/0
| Prefix | Owner     | Next-hop | Next-hop  | Next-hop             | Next-hop |
|        |           | Type     | Interface | Address              | Weight   |
| ::/0   | North SPF | Positive | if_101_1  | fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |          |

show routes prefix prefix owner owner

The “show routes prefix prefix owner owner” command shows the routes for a given prefix and a given owner in the Routing Information Base (RIB) of the current node.

Parameter prefix must be an IPv4 prefix or an IPv6 prefix.

Parameter owner must be south-spf or north-spf.


agg_101> show routes prefix ::/0 owner north-spf
| Prefix | Owner     | Next-hop | Next-hop  | Next-hop             | Next-hop |
|        |           | Type     | Interface | Address              | Weight   |
| ::/0   | North SPF | Positive | if_101_1  | fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |          |

show security

The “show security” shows the configuration and statistics for security:

agg_101> show security
Security Keys:
| Key ID | Algorithm | Secret |
| 0      | null      |        |

Origin Keys:
| Key                | Key ID(s) |
| Active Origin Key  | None      |
| Accept Origin Keys |           |

Security Statistics:
| Description                                    | Value                   | Rate Over                           | Last Change       |
|                                                |                         | Last 10 Seconds                     |                   |
| Missing outer security envelope                | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes      | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec    |                   |
| Zero outer key id not accepted                 | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes      | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec    |                   |
| Non-zero outer key id not accepted             | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes      | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec    |                   |
| Incorrect outer fingerprint                    | 0 Packets, 0 Bytes      | 0.00 Packets/Sec, 0.00 Bytes/Sec    |                   |
.                                                .                         .                                     .                   .
.                                                .                         .                                     .                   .
| Empty origin fingerprint accepted              | 4 Packets, 1224 Bytes   | 0.40 Packets/Sec, 122.40 Bytes/Sec  | 0d 00h:00m:03.39s |

show spf

The “show spf” command shows the results of the most recent Shortest Path First (SPF) execution for the current node.

Note: the SPF algorithm is also known as the Dijkstra algorithm.


agg_101> show spf
SPF Statistics:
| SPF Runs      | 4  |
| SPF Deferrals | 17 |

South SPF Destinations:
| Destination      | Cost | Is Leaf | Predecessor | Tags | Disaggregate | IPv4 Next-hops         | IPv6 Next-hops                   |
|                  |      |         | System IDs  |      |              |                        |                                  |
| 101 (agg_101)    | 0    | False   |             |      |              |                        |                                  |
| 1001 (edge_1001) | 1    | True    | 101         |      |              | if_101_1001 | if_101_1001 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |
| 1002 (edge_1002) | 1    | True    | 101         |      |              | if_101_1002 | if_101_1002 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |
|       | 2    | True    | 1001        |      |              | if_101_1001 | if_101_1001 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |
.                  .      .         .             .      .              .                        .                                  .
.                  .      .         .             .      .              .                        .                                  .
|    | 2    | True    | 1001        | 9992 |              | if_101_1001 | if_101_1001 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |
|                  |      |         | 1002        | 9991 |              | if_101_1002 | if_101_1002 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |

North SPF Destinations:
| Destination   | Cost | Is Leaf | Predecessor | Tags | Disaggregate | IPv4 Next-hops      | IPv6 Next-hops                |
|               |      |         | System IDs  |      |              |                     |                               |
| 1 (core_1)    | 1    | False   | 101         |      |              | if_101_1 | if_101_1 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |
| 101 (agg_101) | 0    | False   |             |      |              |                     |                               |
|     | 2    | False   | 1           |      |              | if_101_1 | if_101_1 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |
| ::/0          | 2    | False   | 1           |      |              | if_101_1 | if_101_1 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |

South SPF (with East-West Links) Destinations:
| Destination | Cost | Is Leaf | Predecessor | Tags | Disaggregate | IPv4 Next-hops | IPv6 Next-hops |
|             |      |         | System IDs  |      |              |                |                |

show spf direction direction

The “show spf direction direction” command shows the results of the most recent Shortest Path First (SPF) execution for the current node in the specified direction.

Parameter direction must be south or north


agg_101> show spf direction north
North SPF Destinations:
| Destination   | Cost | Is Leaf | Predecessor | Tags | Disaggregate | IPv4 Next-hops      | IPv6 Next-hops                |
|               |      |         | System IDs  |      |              |                     |                               |
| 1 (core_1)    | 1    | False   | 101         |      |              | if_101_1 | if_101_1 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |
| 101 (agg_101) | 0    | False   |             |      |              |                     |                               |
|     | 2    | False   | 1           |      |              | if_101_1 | if_101_1 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |
| ::/0          | 2    | False   | 1           |      |              | if_101_1 | if_101_1 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |

show spf direction direction destination destination

The “show spf direction direction destination destination” command shows the results of the most recent Shortest Path First (SPF) execution for the specified destination on the current node in the specified direction.

Parameter direction must be south or north

Parameter destination must be one of the following:


agg_101> show spf direction north destination ::/0
| Destination | Cost | Is Leaf | Predecessor | Tags | Disaggregate | IPv4 Next-hops      | IPv6 Next-hops                |
|             |      |         | System IDs  |      |              |                     |                               |
| ::/0        | 2    | False   | 1           |      |              | if_101_1 | if_101_1 fe80::42:acff:fe11:2 |


agg_101> show spf direction north destination 5
Destination 5 not present

show tie-db

The “show tie-db” command shows the contents of the Topology Information Element Database (TIE-DB) for the current node.

Note: the TIE-DB is also known as the Link-State Database (LSDB)


agg_101> show tie-db
| Direction | Originator | Type   | TIE Nr | Seq Nr | Lifetime | Contents                |
| South     | 1          | Node   | 1      | 5      | 604792   | Name: core_1            |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Level: 24               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Capabilities:           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Flood reduction: True |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 101           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 1-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 102           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 2-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 201           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 3-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 202           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 4-1             |
| South     | 1          | Prefix | 2      | 1      | 604792   | Prefix:       |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Prefix: ::/0            |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
| South     | 101        | Node   | 1      | 4      | 604792   | Name: agg_101           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Level: 23               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Capabilities:           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Flood reduction: True |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 24             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 1-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 1001          |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 0              |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 3-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 1002          |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 0              |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 4-1             |
| South     | 101        | Prefix | 2      | 1      | 604792   | Prefix:       |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Prefix: ::/0            |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
.           .            .        .        .        .          .                         .
.           .            .        .        .        .          .                         .
| North     | 1002       | Prefix | 2      | 1      | 604791   | Prefix:      |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Prefix:      |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Prefix:      |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Prefix:      |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Prefix:   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Tag: 9992             |

show tie-db direction direction

The “show tie-db direction direction” command shows all the TIEs in the Topology Information Element Database (TIE-DB) for the current node and the given direction.

Parameter direction must be one of the following: south or north.


agg_101> show tie-db direction south
| Direction | Originator | Type   | TIE Nr | Seq Nr | Lifetime | Contents                |
| South     | 1          | Node   | 1      | 5      | 604792   | Name: core_1            |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Level: 24               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Capabilities:           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Flood reduction: True |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 101           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 1-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 102           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 2-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 201           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 3-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 202           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 4-1             |
| South     | 1          | Prefix | 2      | 1      | 604792   | Prefix:       |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Prefix: ::/0            |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
| South     | 101        | Node   | 1      | 4      | 604792   | Name: agg_101           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Level: 23               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Capabilities:           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Flood reduction: True |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 24             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 1-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 1001          |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 0              |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 3-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 1002          |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 0              |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 4-1             |
| South     | 101        | Prefix | 2      | 1      | 604792   | Prefix:       |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Prefix: ::/0            |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
| South     | 102        | Node   | 1      | 4      | 604793   | Name: agg_102           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Level: 23               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Capabilities:           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Flood reduction: True |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 24             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 1-2             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 1001          |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 0              |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 3-2             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 1002          |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 0              |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 4-2             |

show tie-db direction direction originator originator

The “show tie-db direction direction” command shows all the TIEs in the Topology Information Element Database (TIE-DB) for the current node and the given direction and the given originator.

Parameter direction must be one of the following: south or north.

Parameter originator must be an integer between 0 and 18446744073709551615.


agg_101> show tie-db direction south originator 1
| Direction | Originator | Type   | TIE Nr | Seq Nr | Lifetime | Contents                |
| South     | 1          | Node   | 1      | 5      | 604792   | Name: core_1            |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Level: 24               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Capabilities:           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Flood reduction: True |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 101           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 1-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 102           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 2-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 201           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 3-1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Neighbor: 202           |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Link: 4-1             |
| South     | 1          | Prefix | 2      | 1      | 604792   | Prefix:       |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |
|           |            |        |        |        |          | Prefix: ::/0            |
|           |            |        |        |        |          |   Metric: 1             |

show tie-db direction direction originator originator tie-type tie-type

The “show tie-db direction direction” command shows all the TIEs in the Topology Information Element Database (TIE-DB) for the current node and the given direction and the given originator and the given tie-type.

Parameter direction must be one of the following: south or north.

Parameter originator must be an integer between 0 and 18446744073709551615.

Parameter tie-type must be one of the following: node, prefix, pos-dis-prefix, neg-dis-prefix, ext-prefix, pg-prefix, or key-value.


agg_101> show tie-db direction south originator 1 tie-type node
| Direction | Originator | Type | TIE Nr | Seq Nr | Lifetime | Contents                |
| South     | 1          | Node | 1      | 5      | 604792   | Name: core_1            |
|           |            |      |        |        |          | Level: 24               |
|           |            |      |        |        |          | Capabilities:           |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Flood reduction: True |
|           |            |      |        |        |          | Neighbor: 101           |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Link: 1-1             |
|           |            |      |        |        |          | Neighbor: 102           |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Link: 2-1             |
|           |            |      |        |        |          | Neighbor: 201           |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Link: 3-1             |
|           |            |      |        |        |          | Neighbor: 202           |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Level: 23             |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Cost: 1               |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Bandwidth: 100 Mbps   |
|           |            |      |        |        |          |   Link: 4-1             |


The “stop command closes the CLI session and terminates the RIFT engine.

Note: The stop command is similar to the exit command, except that the exit command leaves the RIFT engine running when executed from a Telnet session.


(env) $ python rift topology/two_by_two_by_two.yaml
Command Line Interface (CLI) available on port 50102
$ telnet localhost 50102
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
agg_101> stop